Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Punched an Old Lady


Subject: I Punched an Old Lady

Dear Unsung Hero,

I was at a town hall meeting and I saw a top secret Republican operative spy say that Obamacare would be bad for our country. The stupid b*tch was saying how in England and Canada they have much higher death rates from cancer and such and how the national debt is already really a lot. You don't have to worry about this one though, because I already punched her in the back of the head. All these crybaby secret operatives were all like "I can't believe you punched a 70 year old lady" but I was just all, "why don't you go have a tea party, lolz!" I think tea party has some sort of dirty second meaning, which makes it funny. Please send help.

Punching old b*tches in Pittsburgh.

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